‘Social Sibs’ is back for 2022!😄⭐️ Sunshine Butterflies ‘Social Sibs’ were so excited to kick off the new year with an exciting day at Timezone Maroochydore. Our siblings were entertained by all the games and gadgets and even got to ride on the bumper cars! We had three new members join us for Social Siblings' this month, we are so thrilled to welcome them to the group! ‘Social Siblings’ is a monthly social and recreational program for brothers and sisters of those living with a disability. This program is aimed at helping to forge friendships, improve self-esteem, support families and create a safe and supportive community for siblings to express themselves. We love how much joy our ‘Social Siblings get out of every social event and seeing all the new friendships formed. 💜 For more information on ‘Social Siblings’, please contact us on 07 5470 2830 or email admin@sunshinebutterflies.com.au This program is proudly sponsored by @socfstories